Every DigiCert SHA2 secure server CA question answered!
Did you see “DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA” on some website? Do you want to protect your website with a similar security certificate? Do you want to understand what it is? If you nodded yes to any of those questions, then you’ve come to the right place. DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA is an intermediate SSL certificate issued by DigiCert, an SSL certificate authority (CA). The root certificates sign intermediate certificates, and they’re used to legitimize the end-user (leaf) SSL certificates so that the browsers can verify them.
In this article, we’ll be talking about DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA intermediate certificates. Hopefully, we can answer all the questions you have about it. Let’s get started!
How to Get DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA for Your Website
If you saw a website that is using DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA, then that website has been secured by DigiCert, an SSL certificate authority (CA) trusted by 27% of the websites across the internet.
Do you want your website to be protected through DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA? If so, click on the below-given list to get SSL certificates provided by DigiCert.
Get DigiCert SSL Certificates and Save Up to 25%
Buy DigiCert SSL Certificates for as low as prices. It comes with the highest validation, DigiCert secure trust seal, post quantum encryption, and extra security features.
What is DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA?
As discussed above, DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA is an intermediate SSL certificate issued by DigiCert. We know you want to know more about the term “intermediate SSL certificate,” but before we get to that, you need to understand a few things first.
When you request an SSL certificate from DigiCert, DigiCert verifies your identity and legitimacy. Once the verification process is done successfully, it issues your SSL certificate to you. You install this certificate on your server, and users can be sure that the website belongs to you. In simple terms, DigiCert, as a trusted certificate authority, is vouching for your identity on the internet.
To give its stamp of approval, DigiCert needs to sign your SSL certificate with its signature. It can do that directly from its root certificates, but it involves security risks. Therefore, to avoid those security risks, DigiCert signs certificates known as intermediate certificates with its private key. The reason why it’s called an “intermediate” certificate is that it signs the end-user SSL certificate (leaf certificate). This certificate, along with the intermediate certificate, is installed on the web server, and it acts as your proof of identity on the internet that browsers can verify.
Thus, starting from DigiCert’s root certificate to the end-user SSL certificate, it forms a kind of a chain. This is regarded as the “chain of trust” as it carries trust from the CA to the website.

Do You Need to Install DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA on Your Server?
Many people think that installing the end-user SSL certificate will protect their website, but they’re wrong. Along with the leaf certificate, you also need to install the DigiCert intermediate certificate as it carries the signature of DigiCert. If not installed correctly, the browsers won’t be able to trust your web server, and that’ll result in a security warning that’s highly likely to scare your users away. The intermediate certificate comes as a part of the package when DigiCert issues the SSL certificate to you.
We hope this article helped you get things cleared with DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA. You can find the actual DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA certificate below!