Tag Archives: HTTPS

What Happens If You Don’t Have an SSL Certificate?

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If you’re asking yourself “do I need an SSL certificate?” the answer is yes, and here’s why…

If you have a website, even if it is a basic one, you’re likely facing the question of whether you need an SSL certificate. With all of the other costs piling up, you might be tempted to do away with having one more additional bill. But before you decide not to get one, ask yourself a few important questions first:

  • Why do I need an SSL certificate?
  • What is the risk of not having an SSL certificate?
  • What happens if I don’t have an SSL certificate?

We’ll answer those questions and explore the reasons why you need an SSL certificate on your organization’s website. But first, let’s start by talking about what an SSL certificate is.

What Is an SSL Certificate?

An SSL certificate, or more specifically a TLS certificate, is a digital file that you use to secure and identify your website as legitimate. What it does is tie your organization’s cryptographic key to your brand so no one else can use it. It’s a crucial element of having a secure website and is what makes the secure padlock appear in your website’s URL bar. It’s also what makes the “HTTPS” appear at the beginning of the URL as well.

HTTPS is a secure protocol, whereas HTTP is an insecure one. And, as you can imagine, using a secure protocol is always better than using an insecure one when it comes to transmitting personal or otherwise sensitive data.

For example, here’s how it looks on our website when we use an SSL/TLS certificate:

A website with an SSL certificate on the browser

In the screenshot example above, you’ll notice that there’s a padlock in front of our website’s domain. This padlock indicates that the website is using a secure, encrypted connection. This is an indication that the site is using an SSL/TLS certificate. So, to answer the question “do I need an SSL certificate?” The answer is unequivocally “yes!”

When users connect to websites without SSL/TLS certificates via the insecure HTTP protocol, it means their information transmits through insecure connections (HTTP). Essentially, their info is traveling across the internet in plaintext (i.e., readable) format that cybercriminals can intercept, read, and modify in transit. But when they connect with websites that use SSL/TLS certificates (which enables HTTPS), their information is encrypted, meaning that it’s no longer readable and appears like gibberish to anyone who tries to intercept it.

In the most basic sense, this certificate enables you to use encryption to protect the data that transmits between your customers’ clients (web browsers) and your server. It does this by allowing your server to identify itself as being legitimate to clients.

In a more technical sense, what this certificate does is provide instructions and authentication information your web server can use to establish secure, encrypted connections with clients. Historically, all of this used to occur via the secure sockets layer (SSL) protocol. Nowadays, however, the TLS protocol (which stands for transport layer security) is the go-to secure protocol. Hence why we said earlier that they’re really TLS certificates. (The industry is slow to update its lingo, though, so people still commonly call them SSL certificates.)

What Are the Risks of Not Having an SSL Certificate?

More than $3.5 billion. That’s what the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) says was reported as being lost to cybercrimes in 2019 alone. According to this report, the IC3 received a total of 467,361 cybercrime-related complaints that year — most of which were related to phishing, non-payment/non-delivery, and personal data breaches.

Needless to say, this underscores the importance of data security and safety. And SSL/TLS certificates are just one of the crucial cogs in the complex data security machine.

By not installing an SSL certificate on your website, you’re leaving your website and your customers open to an assortment of risks:

  • Man in the middle attacks. We’ve already touched on this, but a MitM attack occurs when a cybercriminal intercepts the data that transmits between users’ web clients and your server.
  • Data leaks. Data leaks are another concern when you’re not sending or receiving data via a secure, encrypted connection.
  • Phishing attacks. When you don’t use an SSL/TLS certificate on your site, you’re not authenticating yourself. This leaves your brand open to being used in phishing attacks because users can’t easily identify whether an imposter’s phishing website is real or fake.
  • Your site will be distrusted by browsers. Everyone wants their website to appear in the top search results of different search engines. But did you know that not using an SSL/TLS certificate on your website can actually make it so that the major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) won’t trust your site? We’ll speak more to that momentarily.
  • Noncompliance issues. You’ll read more about this shortly, but not having an SSL/TLS certificate on your website can lead to noncompliance issues with a variety of industry regulations, including HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA, PCI DSS, and FIPS.  
  • Brand and reputational damage. As you can imagine, all of these things may cause customers to lose faith and trust in your brand. This can result in lost business and affect your bottom line.

How Is Google Promoting the Use of SSL Certificates?

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of having an SSL certificate. It is evident when tech giants like Google, Apple and Mozilla have made it mandatory for secure sites that want to rank on their browsers to have one. In 2014, Google declared that it considers an SSL certificate among one of its ranking factors. Since 2017, Google labels sites that collect login data or credit card details without the use of an SSL certificate as “Not Secure” in the address bar of Chrome. They do the same with websites whose SSL/TLS certificates have expired.

when happen when you don't have an ssl certificate on your website

What happens if I don’t have an SSL certificate on my site? You get your answer in this picture. The website will display the “Not Secure” message in the browser’s URL bar to all your site visitors. This may drive traffic away from your site and straight into the arms of your competitors.

Google went a step further in 2018 when it began marking all sites without SSL certificates as “Not Secure” regardless of whether they collect user data. Slowly, they’ve been rolling out measures to ensure that sites that have SSL certificates will no longer have the green padlock. However, the sites without an SSL certificate will be marked in red on the address bar, rating them as “Not Secure.”

Consequences of Not Having an SSL Certificate in Terms of Compliance

Not only Google, but other important industry regulatory entities have also made it compulsory to have SSL certificates for websites that handle credit card data. One such example is the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC).

PCI SSC designs and manages security standards called PCI DSS (Payment Control Industry Data Security Standards) to provide airtight security for credit card transactions. What PCI DSS does is ensure that the collection, storage, processing, and transmission of credit card details of the customers are done in a safe environment. Companies that collect and process customers’ credit card information must comply with PCI DSS. Failure to do so can lead to dire consequences, including heavy fines and other penalties from Visa, Mastercard, Citibank, Chase, and American Express.

Other Effects of Not Having SSL Certificate on Your Business’s Website

While cyber awareness is slowing growing among consumers, the Fiserv 2019 Cybersecurity Awareness Insights Study reports that “a surprising number of U.S. consumers have little awareness of how to defend themselves against a cyberattack.” However, they can still read warning signs, and the ones from browsers screaming “Not Secure” are sure to catch their attention. Also, even the most ignorant of them will recognize the red warning in the address bar means “stop”.

While 44% of the survey respondents say they want governments and businesses to do more about cyber security, 59% say they’re bothered by the inconvenience created by advanced security measures. Cyber security is a partnership between businesses, citizens, and the government to defend themselves against cybercriminals.       

Nowadays, consumers have numerous options to choose from. When they find out that your website is not secure, they’re more likely to close out of your website to find one that doesn’t display any scary warning messages. As a result, you might lose genuine customers if you do not have an SSL certificate to prove your organizational identity and generate trust. Far from buying anything from your website and sharing important information like payment details, they will avoid sharing their email addresses to stay safe.

While customers believe they are becoming more knowledgeable about security, cybercriminals are also adapting and finding new ways to trick them. These bad guys continually develop different new ways to hack websites with malicious intent to defraud people and businesses and to cause general mayhem. An SSL certificate not only helps you to gain the trust of your customers, but it also helps to guard their information from man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks.

Hence, although an SSL certificate is not technically “mandatory” for a website, per se, not having one will make it almost impossible for website owners to be successful online. Neither your customers nor any banks will be able to trust your brand. We can say that SSL certificates are the need of the hour and they will be made mandatory in the foreseeable future.

Do I Need an SSL Certificate?

If you’re still not convinced and are asking yourself “why do I need an SSL certificate?” let us conclude this article by quickly summarizing the reasons to persuade you.

  • If you do not have an SSL certificate, your site’s search ranking will plummet on Google Chrome. This will make it virtually impossible for customers to reach your website since most customers don’t go beyond the first page of Google search results. In fact, the Search Engine Journal reports that the second page of Google search results has less than a 1% click-through rate (CTR). 
  • All of the major browsers will not trust your site, and some (e.g., Google Chrome) will punish your site by decreasing its search engine ranking for your site.
  • Not having an SSL certificate will make your website appear as “Not Secure” in the address bar. This will turn red as Chrome rolls out the transition in some time. This will alert the visitors that your website cannot be trusted and may result in decreased web traffic.
  • If you ask for the credit card details of the customers without an SSL certificate, you’ll be non-compliant with PCI DSS and are likely to face heavy fines and penalties.
  • Not using an SSL/TLS certificate can leave you noncompliant with other industry regulations as well.
  • Criminals will have an open field to attack your website and steal your customers’ personal data. This can result in a loss of trust and even potential lawsuits in the future. 

The above points prove the absolute necessity of having an SSL certificate on your website. At the end of the day, your return on investment (ROI) will be much more with the SSL certificate than without it.

Purchase Your SSL Certificate

There are many different types of SSL Certificates available for you to choose from. To find the one that suits your needs, you can click the button below.

Purchase Your SSL Certificate Now and Save Up to 80%!

How to Redirect HTTP to HTTPS on Apache — The Ultimate Guide

7 votes, average: 5.00 out of 57 votes, average: 5.00 out of 57 votes, average: 5.00 out of 57 votes, average: 5.00 out of 57 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5 (7 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5, rated)

Installing an SSL certificate on your Apache server is not the end of the process of securing your website. In fact it’s really only the beginning. Your website is still being served via HTTP — this means you’re going to need to re-write some URLs, create some redirects, and force HTTPS. This means you’ll need to redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Apache.

Fortunately, we’re here to help. In this guide we’ll discuss how to take care of all three in Apache to redirect permanently your site to the HTTPS protocol.

So, before we get started let’s assume you’ve already purchased and installed an SSL certificate on your Apache server. You’ll also need to have your SSL and rewrite modules active on Apache.

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How to Redirect HTTP to HTTPS on an Apache Server

There are two primary ways that you could redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Apache:

  1. You could use mod_rewrite in Apache, or
  2. You can use the more secure virtual host redirect method.

We always think it’s best to go with the more secure methods. As such, let’s talk about redirecting your site to HTTPS using your virtual host:

  1. Open your virtual host.
  2. Paste this in:

    <VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName www.yourdomain.com
    Redirect permanent / https://www.yourdomain.com/

    <VirtualHost _default_:443>
    ServerName www.yourdomain.com
    DocumentRoot / usr/local/apache2/htdocs
    SSLEngine On
    . . .

  1. Save.
  2. Go on living your life.


7 votes, average: 4.00 out of 57 votes, average: 4.00 out of 57 votes, average: 4.00 out of 57 votes, average: 4.00 out of 57 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5 (7 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5, rated)

A primer on what each of these encryption terms entails and their impact on website security

TLS vs SSL vs HTTPS. So many acronyms, so little time. All of these terms relate to encryption and website security — however, many people who don’t spend their days entrenched in cyber security may not be intimately familiar with them.

HTTPS, an encrypted and secure networking protocol, is what we get when we use SSL/TLS to secure websites. You know how there’s a padlock security indicator in your browser’s address bar? Yeah, it’s because of that (and other things we aren’t going to get into here).

One of the most common questions we get regarding the topic of TLS vs SSL is “what the difference is between SSL and TLS?” The confusion makes sense, in a way. After all, SSL and TLS aren’t exactly the same thing, but they serve the same function.

So, how do we split the difference?

And the answer to that is incredibly technical — far more technical than most people care to go. So, we’re going to summarize it for you so you can rent it space in your brain at the expense of some other far more relevant piece of information. Say goodbye to the Pythagorean Theorem — we’re about to talk about SSL and TLS.

SSL — The OG

SSL, or secure sockets layer, was the original lynch pin of public key infrastructure (PKI). Initially, the internet was not designed for commercial use. It was basically just a network for the military and academia in its earliest iterations. As commerce and other vital services crept online, the need for data security arose. Unfortunately, HTTP or the Hypertext Transport Protocol, was never designed for security, so a mechanism needed to be invented to secure it.

Thus, SSL and HTTPS were born. The first couple of SSL versions were failures and never really got off the ground. SSL 3.0 was eventually released but was quickly found to be vulnerable to several exploits, too. That was 1996.

Enter TLS

TLS, or transport layer security, was created in 1999 as kind of a spiritual successor to SSL 3.0. It’s based on SSL, but there’s one really important, key difference — this isn’t the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha renaming itself the Windsors as a branding move — it’s an actual functional difference.

Knowing the Difference: SSL vs TLS

What’s the difference between SSL and TLS? SSL makes it connections by port. In computer networking, a port refers to a memory address that’s used to help organize traffic during a connection. This occurs at the transport layer of the connection; individual services have dedicated ports. 443 is the port for HTTPS. 80 is the port for HTTP. 21 is for FTP and so on. There are 65,535 ports total, and only a set few are dedicated to a particular service or function.

Since SSL makes its connections via port, it starts with port 443 for an HTTPS connection. This is called an explicit connection, and the port expects a negotiation before the session begins.

TLS, on the other hand, connects via protocol. This is an implicit connection. It begins with a client hello via an insecure channel to the server. Once the handshake commences, the connection switches to the correct port (443).

A lot of the other parts are basically the same. Both protocols authenticate and facilitate encryption. They both negotiate with handshakes. It’s the way that initial connection is made that differentiates the two. The security they both provide is exactly the same.

Problems with TLS

TLS is, by no means, faultless. While SSL was riddled with vulnerabilities, the early iterations of TLS also had their fair share of hiccups, too. POODLE, which stands for Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption, is a padding attack that can be used against block ciphers. This sick little puppy was basically the final nail in SSL 3.0’s coffin. They thought they fixed it with TLS. Needless to say, they were mistaken.

As it turns out, POODLE didn’t die. We still seeing variants of POODLE to this day. There are also exploits like downgrade and stripping attacks that take advantage of the backward compatibility that was included in TLS in the name of interoperability.

TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 are now considered insecure, with the major tech companies planning a mass deprecation of both by January 2020. TLS 1.2 is the current standard while TLS 1.3 was just finalized in Summer 2018.

TLS 1.3 Looks Toward the Future

TLS 1.3 will change SSL/TLS forever simply because it’s not backward compatible with any of the previous protocol versions. Currently, you have to support TLS 1.2 and 1.3 side by side, as users can’t roll back to 1.2 from 1.3.

In addition to eliminating backward compatibility, which should kill off older protocol versions, TLS 1.3 made several significant improvements over previous iterations:

  • It reduced the handshake, which adds latency to connections, to a single roundtrip and added 0-RTT resumption.
  • It eliminated older ciphers that have been found vulnerable, like RC4 and RSA.
  • It reduced the number of negotiations made during the handshake to just two.

What’s Better: TLS vs SSL

Given their similarities, and the known vulnerabilities facing SSL, this really should only be asked rhetorically. You did mean this rhetorically, right?

If you’re still supporting SSL, you’re only inviting trouble. Even supporting earlier versions of TLS is ill-advised. You should be using TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 by now.

SSL may be TLS’ predecessor, but it’s seriously outmoded now. Even if it’s still what we use colloquially to refer to TLS.

The Types and Validation Levels of SSL Certificates

There’s a lot to know about SSL certificates and their validation levels. We’ve got you covered.

Learn More About the Types of SSL Certificates