DV SSL vs OV SSL: Know the Expert Review
What is the difference between a DV SSL and OV SSL certificate? Compare features, price, validation procedures, encryption, usage, and trust logos SSL certificates can be divided in three types as per their validation levels: domain validation (DV), organization validation (OV) and extended validation (EV). In this
SSL Certificates vs Wildcard: What’s the Difference?
Explore the similarities and differences between wildcard and standard SSL certificates When you decide to buy an SSL certificate, you get inundated with multiple types of SSL certificate options. The differences in features, prices, and warranties makes the entire buying process perplexing. We hear you! In
Which SSL Certificate for My eCommerce Site Should I Buy?
A comparison of the best SSL certificates for eCommerce sites When running an eCommerce business, the last thing you want to have to worry about is whether it’s secure. This
Which SSL Certificate is Best — A Complete Guide
Let’s talk about SSL certificates and which SSL certificate is best for you and your website. And let’s skip straight to the point: there is no “right” answer to this
What Are Some Affordable SSL Certificates for My Blog?
I wouldn’t be surprised if you thought that SSL certificates were outrageously expensive. After all, some digital certificates are somewhat notorious for being expensive, but that doesn’t necessarily have to
Things to Consider Before You Buy an SSL Certificate
Whether you need to buy an SSL certificate to secure your website with HTTPS because of compliance or to avoid customer complaints, purchasing the right SSL certificate is important. Jumping
What Are the Different Types of SSL Certificates?
SSL certificates come in all different flavors. They’re not quite as prolific as, say, Baskin Robbins, but there’s an SSL certificate for every need and use case. This article will
If you are seeing this error while visiting a website, it is probably because the website is using an SSL certificate with an outdated hashing algorithm. What is the outdated hashing algorithm
What is an SSL Server Certificate?
A brief overview of web server certificates, AKA server security certificates When you’re shopping for SSL certificates, one of the things you may notice is the diversity of terminology. Each
SHA2 SSL Certificates – All You Need to Know About SHA-2 SSL
Learn About The Key Differences Between SHA-1 And SHA-2 And Why SHA2 certificate Is Used Now SHA, or Secure Hash Algorithm, is a cryptographic hashing algorithm used in computer security. It was created by the US National Security