The Norton Secured Site seal is no longer offered starting Oct. 16, 2023.
The Comperhensive Guide on EV SSL Certificate and It’s Impact on eCommerce Website
Online security becomes a greater concern every day with phishers, scammers, identity fraud, and hackers constantly attempting new schemes to cheat the public. Legitimate merchants are continually looking for ways to establish consumer confidence and stop this cyber-crime madness. Individuals and companies are seeking ways to reassure their online users that their website use the latest SSL technology.
SSL technology and the scale of cyber-crime has been growing rapidly. The major Certificate Authorities (CAs) have already gone a step further with their encryption technology migrating from SHA-1 to SHA-2 algorithms, which enables the toughest 256-bit hashing algorithms which stop third-party attackers from accessing your encrypted session. The SSL Certificate Authorities and web browsers have made an emphasis on purchasing the advanced version of an SSL certificate called the Extended Validated (EV) SSL Certificate. This certificate will allow the customer to enable the trusted green address bar and display the verified company details which instantly increases online trust and confidence.
Extended Validated (EV) SSL certificates are meant for medium to large e-commerce websites or even the average WordPress website! Let’s explore some of the core advantages.
The core benefits of Extended Validated (EV) SSL Certificates
The most enhancing feature and benefit of an EV SSL certificate is the trusted “Green Address Bar” being visually displayed in the “https” URL bar of the browser. This visual security indicator helps establish trust between users and website owners. Users can click on the certificate details and immediately see the company that owns the website has been verified by the most trusted CA Authorities in the world (Symantec™, GeoTrust™, Thawte™ and RapidSSL®).
Green Padlock
The little Green Padlock immediately tells online users that the website is safe from Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) attacks. It would take millions of years to break the code! Doesn’t that make you feel safer about your website?
Trust Seal or Site Seals for EV, OV, DV
The most recognized Certificate Authorities (CA) such as Symantec™, GeoTrust™, Thawte™ and RapidSSL®, brand themselves by offering a site seal with their logo on it. When the customer clicks on this seal, a drop-down box appears with a list of details that the customer can browse by clicking or mouse hovering. These details include the site name, Company Organization details, and the current status/validly period of the Certificate. Below is an example.
Higher Level of Trust and Confidence
When it comes to encrypting data between your server and your clients, we guarantee that our EV SSL Certificates will provide a higher level of trust and confidence when a customer or client is on your site.
Reduction in Buyers Shopping Cart Abandon Rate
It doesn’t make much of a difference whether a person buys a branded or generic bag of sugar. But some buyers abandon their shopping carts if they do not see the correct site seal and Green Bar. With our Branded EV SSL certificates, customers will buy with the highest level of confidence and complete their purchases.
99% Assurance of All Web Browsers & Mobile Device Compatibility
Our SSL Certificates ensure website security on all latest web browsers and mobile devices. Our branded SSL certificates prevent scary security warnings like the ones below.
Multiple Domains Security with Single SAN SSL
Subject Alternative Names (SAN) or Multi-Domain SSL certificates are the most cost-effective website security solution for wide-scale online business websites. It enables up to 99 domains security with a single SSL certificate instead of X number of domains with X number of certificates. GeoTrust™ is an excellent Certificate Authority that offers SAN/UCC/Multi-Domain SSL Certificate with unlimited server licenses are an affordable rate.
Let’s view our Branded SSL certificates, which help instantly boost website performance in terms of sales, user confidence, ROI, etc.
Symantec™ – The World-Class SSL Certificate Provider
- Symantec™ Secure Site Pro with EV
- Symantec™ Secure Site with EV
- Symantec™ Secure Site Pro
- Symantec™ Secure Site SSL
- Symantec™ Secure Site Wildcard SSL
- Symantec™ Code Signing Certificate to eliminate the “software installation warning”
- Symantec™ Safe Site also known as Norton™ Trust Seal to enhance users view over the website
GeoTrust™ – The Cost-Effective SSL Certificate Provider
- GeoTrust™ QuickSSL Premium
- GeoTrust™ QuickSSL Premium SAN
- GeoTrust™ True BusinessID SSL Certificate
- GeoTrust™ True BusinessID EV SSL Certificate
- GeoTrust™ True BusinessID Wildcard SSL Certificate
- GeoTrust™ True BusinessID Multi Domain SSL Certificate – SAN Certificate
- GeoTrust™ True BusinessID Multi EV Domain SSL Certificate – SAN with EV opportunity
- GeoTrust™ Website-Anti- Malware – Online Website Scanner
RapidSSL® – The Most Inexpensive SSL certificate for E-commerce Websites
- RapidSSL® Certificate
- RapidSSL® Wildcard Certificate
Thawte™ – High Assurance Certificates from Trusted SSL Certificate Provider
- Thawte™ SSL123 Certificate
- Thawte™ Web Server SSL Certificate
- Thawte™ Web Server EV SSL Certificate
- Thawte™ Web Server Wildcard SSL Certificate
- Thawte™ Code Signing Certificate to ensure software code and content integrity
If you are still looking for more in-depth descriptions on our branded SSL certificates or product specs such as web browsers compatibility, issuance periods, refund policy, etc. then visit our official website
Buy EV SSL Certificates at Low Prices