SSL Certificate

The Purpose of Using an SSL Certificate on a Website

6 votes, average: 3.67 out of 56 votes, average: 3.67 out of 56 votes, average: 3.67 out of 56 votes, average: 3.67 out of 56 votes, average: 3.67 out of 5 (6 votes, average: 3.67 out of 5, rated)

As they say in Chernobyl: SSL isn’t a choice, it’s a lifestyle

Before I came to, I had no idea what SSL even was or what the purpose of using an SSL certificate on a website was. In fact, when I heard the word certificate I started picturing diplomas and participation awards—not digital files. But that’s just me, I’m a newspaperman in a digital apps world.

Read More The Purpose of Using an SSL Certificate on a Website

What to Do When Your SSL Certificate Expires

5 votes, average: 3.40 out of 55 votes, average: 3.40 out of 55 votes, average: 3.40 out of 55 votes, average: 3.40 out of 55 votes, average: 3.40 out of 5 (5 votes, average: 3.40 out of 5, rated)

Don’t run, don’t hide. Everything is going to be OK when SSL certificate expired.

What do you do when your SSL certificate expired? This is a surprisingly common question. In fact, in our line of work it’s right behind, “what’s the difference between DV and EV?” and “How Does an SSL Certificate Work?

Read More What to Do When Your SSL Certificate Expires

Public Keys, Private Keys, Batman and Some Stuff About Encryption

6 votes, average: 3.00 out of 56 votes, average: 3.00 out of 56 votes, average: 3.00 out of 56 votes, average: 3.00 out of 56 votes, average: 3.00 out of 5 (6 votes, average: 3.00 out of 5, rated)

Don’t ever let someone else touch your private key without your consent.

Today we’re going to discuss Public Keys, Private Keys and Encryption. Unfortunately, a lot of the literature on this topic around the internet is needlessly complicated. And when I say needlessly complicated I mean some developer or programmer wrote it using nomenclature that only another developer or programmer would know.

It’s kind of like how academics and modern philosophers write dense, difficult to understand texts as a way of both showing off their intelligence and to try and one-up their contemporaries. And in these philosophical personal pissing matches, the layman is just kind of caught in the middle saying, “whaaaat?” There may be some good information in those texts, but to most of us—we’re just getting rained on.

I am not like that. I am conscientious of my readers. Call me Conscientious Carl. And I’m going to explain these concepts to you in basic English, using terms you can understand. I don’t get off on using big words or fancy tech-speak like some people do. Though, now that I think about it, that would make for a good Silicon Valley phone sex line. “Yeah baby, tell me how you’re going to side-jack me by using your packet sniffer on my cookies.” [Editor’s Note: Carl…]

Anyway, let’s talk about Public and Private keys.

Batman, A Horse’s Rear and Two Types of Encryption

There are two kinds of encryption, symmetric and asymmetric. Do I need to explain symmetry? Would that be patronizing? [Editor’s Note: Only a little] Ok, I’ll just use an image. This is an example of symmetry:

Batman Logo is Symmetric

See how you could draw a line right down the middle and it would be the exact same (though mirrored) on both sides? That’s because the Batman logo is both bad ass and completely symmetric. And thank you for humoring me, I have been looking for an excuse to use this image since I took the blog over.

This is an example of asymmetry:


Notice how if you drew a line down the middle of this picture the two sides are not mirror images of one another? They’re not the same. You could say this is ass-ymmetric. This picture is actually doubly relevant because if you legitimately needed me to explain symmetry to you then you are indeed a horse’s [Editor’s Note: Yeah… I’m not going to let you finish this sentence, Carl]

Ok, we’ve gone too far into the weeds, something I would not advise doing around this horse lest you’re wearing boots. And even then… [Editor’s Note: CARL!]

So how does this apply to encryption? I’m glad you asked. As we already established, there are two kinds of encryption. The first type, symmetric encryption, occurs once a secure connection has been established. It uses symmetric session keys that can both encrypt and decrypt communication. That’s another discussion for another time, though.

Then there is asymmetric encryption, that’s what we’re going to be talking about today. This occurs during the SSL handshake and helps your web browser to authenticate the website’s SSL certificate in order to establish a secure connection.

Asymmetric Encryption is a lot Like My Marriage

Asymmetric encryption occurs during the SSL handshake and uses a Public Key and a Private Key. Here’s how it works:

  • Your browser reaches a website with an SSL certificate. After both say “Hello” – because browsers and servers are nothing if not polite – the browser receives a copy of both the certificate and the accompanying public key.
  • The browser then uses the public key to encrypt a small bit of throw-away data and send it back to the server. The server uses the corresponding private key to decrypt what was sent and send it back as plain-text (meaning in its unencrypted form). If the server returns the same data that was originally encrypted, it verifies the key pair to the browser.

Now, when I say the key pair, I mean that the public and private key match. This is just a portion of the handshake (again, another discussion for another day), but an integral one nonetheless.

Here’s another way to think about it. The public key, like my wife, does most of the talking. It says something, which it has encrypted in a way that it thinks will only make sense to me. It’s then my job to decrypt whatever it is she just said and repeat it back to her to make sure I got it right. If I didn’t, I get in trouble.

Public and Private keys are the same way, just far less passive aggressive. Public keys also fix a better casserole, but I digress.

Let’s Wrap This Up

So there you have it. Public keys and Private keys are an example of asymmetric encryption. One key sends data, the other decrypts it. This is done to verify that the keys match during the SSL handshake.

The actual communication that occurs after the handshake is done with symmetric keys that can both encrypt and decrypt. It’s really very simple, provided you have someone to explain it to you in a simple, if slightly chauvinistic [Editor’s Note: Slightly?] way.

Stay Cautious, My Friends.

HTTP vs HTTPS – Don’t Let Your Car Get Pooped On

5 votes, average: 3.40 out of 55 votes, average: 3.40 out of 55 votes, average: 3.40 out of 55 votes, average: 3.40 out of 55 votes, average: 3.40 out of 5 (5 votes, average: 3.40 out of 5, rated)

If a website isn’t served over HTTPS, then your communication with it is not secure

When it comes to HTTP vs HTTPS, the devil is in the details. Not like, literally. He’s not waiting in the minutiae to plunge a pitchfork into your nether regions or anything—it’s just an expression. But it’s a good one. Especially in my experience. For instance, I used to think I was in a good parking spot, safe, under a tree, shaded from the hot sun—but those birds’ nests in the branches said otherwise. A pretty big detail to miss. That’s why it’s important to be vigilant, cautious. I wasn’t born that way, but I sure am now. My car has been pooped on a lot in life.

Read More HTTP vs HTTPS – Don’t Let Your Car Get Pooped On

Fundamental Differences between Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption

9 votes, average: 4.22 out of 59 votes, average: 4.22 out of 59 votes, average: 4.22 out of 59 votes, average: 4.22 out of 59 votes, average: 4.22 out of 5 (9 votes, average: 4.22 out of 5, rated)

RapidSSLonline brings you the technical comparative breakdown of the two encryption methods

Day after day, the tally of data breaches and data-tampering incidents keeps reaching new heights. This is because cyberattackers keep evolving by finding new, delicate techniques to victimize online users. In order to counteract such attempts, safeguarding information has become an indispensable measure in today’s cybersecurity world. Encryption is one such method to protect discreet information being transferred online. The Encryption technique is employed in two ways, namely Symmetric Encryption and Asymmetric Encryption.

Read More Fundamental Differences between Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption

How to Enable HTTPS on a WordPress Multisite Network

10 votes, average: 2.70 out of 510 votes, average: 2.70 out of 510 votes, average: 2.70 out of 510 votes, average: 2.70 out of 510 votes, average: 2.70 out of 5 (10 votes, average: 2.70 out of 5, rated)

Extend the benefits of SSL to multiple WordPress sites

‘HTTPS’ is an internet protocol just like HTTP. The world of the internet is moving from HTTP to HTTPS—the S stands secure. That means that a secured connection is established between an online user’s browser and the web server hosting the website. This secure connection is facilitated through an SSL certificate.

Read More How to Enable HTTPS on a WordPress Multisite Network

10 Simple Steps to Install SSL Certificate on FileZilla Server

5 votes, average: 2.60 out of 55 votes, average: 2.60 out of 55 votes, average: 2.60 out of 55 votes, average: 2.60 out of 55 votes, average: 2.60 out of 5 (5 votes, average: 2.60 out of 5, rated)

SSL installation process on FileZilla server simplified

FileZilla server is an open-source product under the umbrella of FileZilla, an open-source FTP platform. FileZilla server is a sister product of FileZilla client. The source code of FileZilla is hosted by SourceForge, an online platform for monitoring and managing open-source software projects. FileZilla SFTP server supports FTP and FTP over TLS/SSL.

Read More 10 Simple Steps to Install SSL Certificate on FileZilla Server

9 WordPress Website Security Tips from WordPress Security Experts

3 votes, average: 3.67 out of 53 votes, average: 3.67 out of 53 votes, average: 3.67 out of 53 votes, average: 3.67 out of 53 votes, average: 3.67 out of 5 (3 votes, average: 3.67 out of 5, rated)

The best practices for formidable WordPress website security

Launched in 2003, WordPress has become the largest content management system (CMS) in the world. Statistics show that almost 30% of the internet is driven by WordPress. Therefore, its popularity alone is enough to grab the attention of cyber attackers. As you already know, WordPress is an open source script, thereby an easy target for online perpetrators. Keeping these things in mind, it is vital not to take WordPress website security lightly.

Read More 9 WordPress Website Security Tips from WordPress Security Experts